页面:Who's who of American returned students = (You Mei tong xue lu - min gou liu nian) (IA whoswhoofamerica00qing).pdf/33



Wang, Ching-Chun.-Born in Lanchow, Chihli, 1882. Married, 1903. Studied at Peking Methodist University, Peking. Clerk and Interpreter, American Legation at Peking, 1900-4. Arrived in America, April, 1904. Private support. Studied Science at Ohio Wesleyan University, 1905-6. Civil Engineering at Yale University, 1906-8; Railway Administration at the Uni-versity of Illinois, 1908-9; Economics and Political Science at the same institution, 1910-11. Ph. B., 1908; M.A., 1909; Ph. D., 1911. Subject of doctor's Dissertation:-"Legislative Regulation of Railway Finance in England." Awarded Wu Ting-Fang's Prize for scholarship and general conduct, August, 1909. President: Chinese Students' Alliance, 1907-8; Cosmopolitan Club, 1908-9; Association of Cosmopolitan Clubs, 1909-10. Honorary Fellowship in Railway Administration, University of Illinois, 1909-11. Teacher in Oriental History and Commerce, University of Illinois, 1909-10. Editor, Chinese Students' Monthly, 1907 and Editor-in-Chief, 1908-9. Carried on investigation for some time with the Illinois Central Railway, Interstate Commerce Commission, U.S.A. and North Western Railway and Board of Trade in London. Returned to China, November, 1911. Member, Ministry of Communications, Peking, 1911. Councillor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Provisional Government, Nanking, 1912. Co-Director: Peking-Mukden Railway, 1912-13; Peking-Hankow Railway, 1913-14. Was Vice-Chairman of the Commission on the Unification of Railway Accounts and Statistics; Director of Railway Finance and Accounts; Official Delegate to the Fifth International Congress of Commerce in Boston and to the Panama-Pacific Exposition to open the grounds. Councillor; Ministry of Communications, 1916-17. Special government delegate to a railway conference in Japan, 1917. Director, Peking-Mukden Railway, 1917. President: European-American Returned Students' Club, 1915-16; American College Club, 1916-17. Editor, Chinese Social and Political Science Review. Third Class Chia Ho Decoration. Contributor of many articles to magazines such as the North Ameri-can Review, Atlantic Monthly, etc., while in college and since returned to China.

王宠惠 字亮畴。年三十五岁。生于广东。已婚。初学于天津北洋大学。游美。入耶路大学。光緖三十年。得法律博士学位。译德国民法为英文。为美国法律学会杂志