页面:Who's who of American returned students = (You Mei tong xue lu - min gou liu nian) (IA whoswhoofamerica00qing).pdf/88


1913. Awarded second prize for oratory, February, 1911. Member: Garfield Literary Society, 1908-9: Goethenian Oratorical Association, 1910-11. National President, Association of Cosmopolitan Clubs, 1913. Awarded State Fellowship in Education, Iowa, 1913-14. Returned to China, December, 1915. Head of the Normal Department. Willian Nast College, Kiukiang, 1915-16. Dean, Fu The College, Hankow, 1916 to date.

易鼎新 字修吟。年三十一歲。生於湖南醴陵。兄著魁。業農。本籍通信處。湖南醴陵東門永嘉賓舘。已婚。子一。初學於長沙府中學。長沙游學預備科。奉天方言學堂。北京財政學堂。任江西萍鄕縣栗江學堂敎員。宣統二年。以官費遊美。入理海大學。習電氣工程。民國三年。得電氣工程師學位。入佑凝學校。民國四年。得碩士學位。被選入某某兩名譽學會。爲理海大學中國學生會會長。爲理海大學電氣學會。及留美學生會會員。常撰文載留美學生月報。及中華實業界。爲留美學生季報編輯。充普通電氣公司試騐員。民國四年囘國。任湖南工業專門學校敎員。民國五年。任漢口西門子公司工程師。又任湖南高等師範學校敎員。現時通信處。湖南長沙嶽麓高等師範學校。

Yeh, Ting Shien.-Born in Lee Ling, Hunan, 1886. Married, 1906. Studied at Changsha Middle School, Changsha, 1904-5; at Chinese Educational Mission School, Changsha, 1906; at College of Languages, Mukden, 1908-9; at College of Finance, Peking, 1909-10. Instructor, Li Kiang School, Pinghsiang, 1907. Arrived in America, September, 1910. Government support. Studied Electrical Engineering at Lehigh University, 1910-14: at Union College, 1914-15. E.E., 1914: M.S., 1915. Elected to Tau Beta Pi, October, 1913; to Sigma Xi, April, 1915. President, Lehigh Chinese Students' Club, 1913-14. Member: Electrical Society of Lehigh University, 1912-14: Chinese Students' Alliance, 1910-15. Frequent contributor of articles to Chinese Students' Monthly, Chung Hua Industrial World, etc. Assistant Editor, Chinese Students' Quarterly, 1913-14. Testman, General Electrical Company, 1914-15. Returned to China, August, 1915. Instructor in Electrical Engineering, Hunan Polytechnic Institute, 1915-16. Engineer, Siemens China Co., Hankow, 1916. Head of Physics and Mathematis Department, Government Teachers' College, Hunan, 1916 to date.