页面:Who's who of American returned students = (You Mei tong xue lu - min gou liu nian) (IA whoswhoofamerica00qing).pdf/117


(in Education), 1914; M.A., (in Diplomacy), 1915. Awarded gold medal and silver cup for oratory, 1913; Einstein Prize for best and most original work in American Diplomacy, June, 1915. Treasurer, Teachers' College Club, Columbia University, 1912-13. Chairman, Chinese Students' Alliance, Eastern Section, 1913-14. Delegate to the International Educational Convention at the Panama Pacific International Exposition, 1915. Awarded President Butler's Scholarship, 1914-16. Instructor in Chinese, Columbia University, 1913-14. Returned to China, October, 1916.

馬國驥 字紹良。年二十九歲。生於上海。父伯畬。業商。已婚。女一。初學於上海聖約翰大學。以演說得金牌奬。又以學績。得倫貝子奬牌。光緖三十四年。畢業。得學士學位。任該校敎員。爲約翰聲編輯。又任松江府中學校敎員。及上海商務印書館編輯。宣統三年。肄業北京淸華學校。民國二年。畢業。以官費遊美。入哈佛大學。習政治法律。民國四年。得碩士學位。入哥侖比亞大學。爲哈佛外交學會會員。美國國際法學會會員。美國政治學會會員。民國五年回國。任美國派赴淸華學校交換演講敎員麥克洛君書記。民國六年。任武昌高等師範學校齋務長及敎員。通信處。上海蔓盤路鑫益里四百九六十號。

Ma, K. S.-Born in Shanghai, 1888. Married, 1910. Studied at St. John's University, Shanghai, 1901-9; at Tsing Hua College, Peking, 1911-13. A.B., 1909. Awarded gold medal for oratory and Prince Pulun's Medal for general excellence, St. John's University, 1907. Instructor: St. John's Uni-versity, 1908-9; Sung Kiang Middle School, 1909-10. Editor: St. John's Echo, 1908-9; Commercial Press, 1910-11. Arrived in America, September, 1913. Government support. Studied Law and Government at Harvard University, 1913-15; at Columbia University, 1915. A.M., 1915. Member: Harvard Diplomatic Club, 1913; American Society of International Law, 1914; American Political Science Association, 1916. Returned to China, July, 1916. Secretary to Prof. R. M. McElroy, first Exchange Professor to China, 1916. Teacher and Proctor, Government Teachers' College, Wuchang, 1917.

馬名海 字仙嶠。年二十八歲。生於直隸濮陽。父鶴嶺。初學於濮陽學堂。大名府中學堂。畢業於直隸高等學