页面:Who's who of American returned students = (You Mei tong xue lu - min gou liu nian) (IA whoswhoofamerica00qing).pdf/115


Liang, Yu-Ho. (M. T. Liang.)-Born in Tang-Chia, Kwang-tung, 1860. Arrived in America, 1874. Government support. Studied Engineering at the Steven's Institute of Technology. Returned to China, 1881. Was Managing Director of Shanhaikwan Railways; Superintendent of Tientsin Customs: Taotai of Tientsin and Shanghai; Councillor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Minister of Foreign Affairs; etc.

凌道揚 年二十九歲。生於廣東寳安縣。父善元。任牧師。未婚。初畢業於上海聖約翰大學。得學士學位。爲約翰聲編輯。宣統元年。以官半費遊美。入麻省農業學校。民國元年。得學士學位。入耶路大學。習森林科。民國三年。得林科碩士學位。被選入某名譽學會。以演說得金牌奬。入校中網球隊。曾爲大南木料公司林師。民國三年回國。爲上海靑年會演講部員。著有中國林業論。上海商務印書舘出版。現時通信處。上海崑山花園路四號。

Lin, D. Y.-Born in Pao-An, Kwangtung, 1888. Studied at St. John's University, Shanghai, 1902-9. B.A., 1909. Editor, St. John's Echo, 1907-9. Arrived in America, September, 1909. Partial government support. Studied Agriculture at Massachusetts Agricultural College, 1909-12; Forestry at Yale University, 1912-14. B.S., 1912; M.F., 1914. Elected to Phi Kappa Phi, 1912. Awarded a gold medal for oratory, April, 1912. Member, Varsity Tennis Team, 1910-12. Student Forester, Great Southern Lumber Company, 1914. Returned to China, September, 1914. Lecturer, National Committee, Y.M.C.A., Shanghai, 1914 to date. Author, "China and Forestry," Commer-cial Press, Shanghai, 1916.

倪錫純 字爕臣。年三十六歲。生於上海。已婚。子一女一。永久住址。上海膠州路一號。初學於上海聖芳濟書院及中西書院。畢業於聖約翰大學。任聖約翰大學敎員。及上海某廠繙譯。又任南京高等實業學校敎員。光緖三十三年。以官費遊美。入耶路大學理科。習土木工程。宣統二年。得學士學位。入本薛文尼大學。習理科。宣統三年。得碩士學位。入薛雷克斯大學。習土木工程。民國元年。得土木工程師學位。民國元年回國。任中國鐵路協會